911 Quiz Game
1. Have the girls stand in a group in the middle of the room. Identify one end of the room as “Call 911” and the other end of the room as “Do Not Call 911”.
2. Instruct the girls that you will be giving them an emergency situation and they need to determine when they should or should not call 911. After hearing the situation, they must go to the side of the room they believe is the correct answer.
Examples when you should call 911:
o Someone becomes suddenly dangerously ill
o Someone crashes a car in front of you
o You notice smoke in your home or that of a neighbor
o You hear gunshots
o You see a violent physical fight
Examples when you should not call 911:
o You notice graffiti on your home or in your neighborhood
o You have a question about the risks of carbon monoxide poisoning but don’t suspect it in your home
o You or a family member has a minor illness
o Your bike is missing when you come home
o Your pet is missing
o You think a neighbor’s animal may be neglected
3. After each situation and girls determine their answers, ask the girls why they chose or did not choose to call 911 then reveal the correct answer. You can also ask the girls whom they should call if the
situation should go to a different authority and is not a call for 911.
From: Girl Scouts River Valleys
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