
Getting Started Resources

Page history last edited by Darby Schmidt 11 years, 5 months ago


Getting Started Resources

Easy Kaper Chart

Brownie Kaper Chart.pdf

Kaper Chart Tags

Kaper Chart Tags.pdf

Name Tags

brownie name tags.pdf

Brownie Badge Tracking Sheet

Brownie Badge Tracking Sheet.pdf

Award Tracker GS.pdf


First Meeting Activities


Activity Descriptions




Choosing a Journey

Before we begin to talk about and choose our journey, let’s start by talking about all the fun things they’ve done together so far in Girl Scouts. Allow each girl to talk about something that they’ve done so far in your meetings or something they hope to do with the group.

Explain the journeys:

What is so great about water? Lots of things! On the Wonders of Water Journey, we’ll discover all the ways we love water, save water, and share water! We will explore the science of water and how we can share what we know with others. Plus we’ll have a chance to explore the great outdoors!

Stories and clues are everywhere! When we go on the World of Girls Journey, we learn about girls our age, how they are like or unlike us, and how other’s stories can inspire us to make the world better. We might hear stories, change stories, or write our own stories. And at the end, we’ll all have a story to tell about our journey!

Give your stamp of approval: It’s time to give your stamp of approval. Invite the girls to use their stickers to vote for the one(s) they most want to try out first. If you gave them more than one sticker, they can divide their votes based on multiple interests. Or the girls can draw a heart or star or a smiley face on the sheet for the Journey they want tovote for. The Journey with the most votes will be the one the troop begins.

Tally up the votes! : Once all the girls have had a chance to put their stamp on the journey they chose, count up the votes for each one. Once the votes are tallied, the winner can be announced, but also let the girls know, there will be opportunities to choose to learn about other topics, so if their first choice was not selected, there will be times when

the troop will do other things that are of interest to them(Learn more about the ELF friends, take field trips, do artprojects, play games, and earn badges!)

Variation: Journey Quiz

Have the girls fill out a quiz about their interests

Girl Scouts of Western New York 

Sheets with choice

Brownie Journeys Choices for Girls.pdf




Journey Quiz.pdf

First Mtg


Girl Scout Promise Door Hanger

As the girls arrive, give them the required materials.

Cut out the cardstock strips.

Glue one strip to the Popsicle sticks.

Lay the ribbon in an upside down U shape.

In order from top to bottom, glue Popsicle sticks to ribbon.

Allow the glue to dry.

The girls should take them home and hang them on a door, so they can see them daily.

Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania




Popsicle sticks – 14 for each girl

Ribbon – cut into lengths about 2-3 feet long


Glue sticks

Cardstock with the Girl Scout law printed on it, one set for each girl

GS law door hanger.pdf

First Mtg


GS law door hanger.pdf

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