Making Friends Badge
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last edited
by Darby Schmidt 11 years, 2 months ago
Ideas for Making Friends Badge
Requirements for earning badge:
Purpose: When I've earned this badge, I'll know how to be a good friend.
1. Make a friendly introduction.
2. Show friends you care.
3. Share favorite activities.
4. Learn how to disagree.
5. Practice friendship.
Activity Descriptions
At Home
- Help your Girl Scout make something special for a friend of hers, such as a card, poem or a small gift.
- Talk with your Girl Scout about her friends in real life, and how she can be a good friend.
- Encourage your Girl Scout to invite a friend over and have them teach each other their favorite activities.
- When your daughter has conflicts with siblings or playmate, encourage them to practice what we learned in GS and work with their friend or sibling to come up with a solution themselves.
From: Girl Scouts River Valleys
Making Friends
The Wind Blows West
Everyone stands in a circle their spot designated by a piece of paper or something that can be stood on (or you could use chairs sitting down). One person in the middle and says, 'The wind blows west for everyone who holds something in common. (ie: everyone with brown hair, everyone with an older brother, everyone who is wearing red etc. etc.). Then everyone who fits this category has to run across the circle to a newly vacant square (NO running to your neighbor's spot).
The person in the middle also tries to take a new spot so someone else winds up in the middle.
The part that the person in the middle says that the wind blows west for has to apply to them (for example a Junior Girl Scout could not say the wind blows west for everyone who is a Brownie, but if that Junior had been a Brownie she could say, 'The wind blows west for anyone who has ever been a Brownie.'
Making Friends 1
Game (15 min)
Hey, Me Too!
1. Instruct the girls to stand and form a circle. Choose one girl to start in the middle.
2. Instruct each girl that when in the middle, she should introduce herself to the rest of the girls by saying “Hi, my name is _____” (then, instruct the rest of the group to repeat back her name) and then say
something about herself.
E.g. “Hi, My name is Jane (Group: “Hi Jane!”) and I have two sisters.”
E.g. “Hi, My name is Susie (Group: “Hi Susie!”) and I love peanut butter and jelly.”
3. Any girl(s) in the circle who shares in common the statement made by the girl in the middle (for example: anyone else who “loves peanut butter and jelly”) must yell, “Hey, me too!” and leave her spot
in the circle, give a high five to someone in the middle and run to find a different spot. The last person to find a spot is in the middle.
4. The game continues with the next girl in the middle saying, “Hi, my name is…” and stating something about herself.
Rule: A girl cannot move to a spot that is directly next to her original spot.
Tip: If a girl gets caught in the middle twice in a row, have her switch with someone who has not been in the middle.
From: Girl Scouts River Valleys
Making Friends 1
Game |
Introduce yourself.
Try introducing yourself to three people in your troop that you don't know well. Tell them about yourself and ask about them.
From: Girl Scouts USA
sample questions |
Making Friends 1 |
Game |
Introduce a friend to someone else.
Find a friend introduce them to someone in the troop that they don't know well.
From: Girl Scouts USA
Making Friends 1 |
Craft |
Write a name poem.
Write a friend's name vertically down a piece of paper. Then, beginning with each letter of the friend's name, write something nice about that friend-something they do well, or one of the reasons you like being their friend.
FoR MORE FUN: Make name poems as a thank-you to a parent, a teacher, or someone else who helps you.
From: Girl Scouts USA
Making Friends 2 |
Craft |
Give something special to a friend.
Create an art piece, snack, card, or something else your friend would really like.
It might be a gift for a holiday, a cheer-up card, or a yummy treat for a neighbor.
From: Girl Scouts USA
Making Friends 2 |
Craft |
Be a friend to someone you don't know.
Sometimes the friends people need most are the ones they didn't know they had. Think of a group that could use your friendship-perhaps children at a hospital, soldiers overseas, or someone left out at your school, and do something nice for them.
From: Girl Scouts USA
Making Friends 2 |
Mirror, Mirror
Girls need to first pair up, preferably randomly so buddies are not always together. One girl will be the mirror and will reflect whatever her partner does. The pairs face each other. The girl who is not the mirror should start making slow movements, lifting an arm or a leg or blowing out their cheeks. The mirrors must try to imitate them as quickly as possible. After a few minutes, switch.
From: Girl Scouts USA
Making Friends 2
Game (15 min)
Friend or Not? Game
Gather materials and supplies.
Gather a deck of playing cards and remove all face cards and from the deck, leaving only cards 2-10.
Place a masking tape loop on the back of each card.
Write on the flipchart paper/easel or board:
Unpopular group: 2, 3, 4
In the middle: 5, 6, 7
Popular group: 8, 9, 10
1. Tape one card to each girl’s back. Tell the girls not look at their card or to tell others what number they have on their back. Make sure all the girls can see the flip chart or board so they can refer to it during
the game.
2. Explain to the girls that they are going to walk around and try to find and link arms with new friends, and that the number on their back determines what group they are in. Numbers 8, 9 or 10 are the
“popular” group. Numbers 2, 3 and 4 are the “unpopular” group. Numbers 5, 6 or 7 belong to neither group and are somewhere in the middle.
3. Instruct the girls that when you say “go,” to roam around the room looking at the numbers on other girls’ backs to try and find/link arms with new friends. If a girl finds a girl who is an 8,9 or 10 (“popular
girl”) she should say “Hi!” and try to link arms with her. Girls should say “Hi!” back to the girl and link arms if they are an 8, 9 or 10. If a girl is a 2, 3, or 4 (“unpopular girl”), she should turn her back on that girl
and ignore her. If she is a 5, 6 or 7, she has a choice to accept/link arms or ignore the girl.
Tip: As the game gets moving, you should see the 8,9 and 10’s (“popular” group) begin to form a group, and the 2, 3 and 4’s (“unpopular” group) are off to the side. The 5, 6, and 7’s (middle
group) will probably be mixed with both groups.
4. When distinct groups have formed, stop the game. Ask everyone who thinks they are an 8, 9 or 10 (“popular”) to raise their hand. Repeat the question for the other two groups. Have the girls look at
their cards to see if they guessed their numbers correctly.
5. End with a group discussion:
Ask each group what it felt like to be in their group (accepted, not accepted or in the middle)
How is this game like making friends in real life?
From: Girl Scouts River Valleys
Deck of playing cards
Masking tape
Flip chart paper/easel board, or whiteboard and markers
Making Friends 3
Game |
Do a friend's favorite thing.
Discuss with your Brownie friends something you have done together that they enjoy. Then do it.
From: Girl Scouts USA
Making Friends 3 |
Game |
Try a game or activity that's new.
Have the girls discuss things that they have never done together. Choose one and do it.
Making Friends 3 |
Game |
Practice being a good listener.
Let a friend talk about how they feel. Listen for three minutes without interrupting.
Then tell them what you heard them say. Then, switch!
From: Girl Scouts USA
Making Friends 4 |
Game |
Find kind words.
Words can hurt, so it's important to use nice ones when you disagree. With your Brownie friends, make a list of words that make you feel good.
Practice using the words to say kind things.
From: Girl Scouts USA
Making Friends 4 |
Game |
Make a solution skit.
You might pretend that you and your friend both want to use the same jump rope. Your skit could show how you can solve the problem by finding a way you can both be happy.
From: Girl Scouts USA
Making Friends 4 |
Game (15 min)
Friendship Role Play
Write scenarios on notecards prior to the meeting. Scenario examples:
Your friend wants to play soccer but you want to play dolls.
Your friend beats you in a game you are playing together.
Your friend says something to you that hurts your feelings.
Your friend is ignoring you because she is mad at you about something.
You and your friend both want to use the same jump rope at the same time.
Your friend forgot to bring a toy to play with at recess today.
Your friend is sitting all alone with no one to play with.
1. Partner girls up into pairs. Have each pair draw a scenario card.
2. Give girls five minutes to quietly prepare the scene they are going to act out, including how to resolve their scenario. The scenes should be brief—no longer than one minute each.
3. Gather as a large group and allow each pair one minute to act out their scene in front of the rest of the group. After each skit, allow the group to discuss briefly what was acted out and the characteristics of good and bad friends.
From: Girl Scouts River Valleys
Pre-written scenario notecards
Making Friends 4
Craft (15 min)
Friendship Pledge
1. Review with the girls some of the things they learned about friendship today.
E.g. Girls can name different ways they can be good friends or ways to handle tough situations.
2. Pass out one sheet per girl and have everyone grab a marker. Tell the girls they are going to find two girls and trace their handprints anywhere on their paper.
3. Next, tell them to grab a different color marker and search for two other girls and trace their handprints anywhere on the paper. Handprints should begin to overlap.
4. Once the handprints are traced, have girls shade in the shapes created from the overlapping hands with a variety of colors or designs.
5. Have the girls write, “I will be a good friend!” anywhere on their sheet and sign the bottom of their pledge. Encourage girls to display their friendship pledge in a place where they can see it everyday
From: Girl Scouts River Valleys
Plain paper or construction paper
Making Friends 5
Visitor |
Invite another Brownie group to an activity.
What about a tea party, a journey field trip, or a meeting with games?
From: Girl Scouts USA
Making Friends 5 |
Outings and Visitors
Field Trip Ideas:
o Coordinate with another Girl Scout troop to visit and attend their next troop meeting.
o Attend a Girl Scout gathering, such as a council-sponsored program event or camp.
Sample Meeting 1
Making Friends Badge
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