Activity Descriptions
Opening Activity |
Discovering Me
As the girls arrive ask them to fill in some of the blanks from the
“Discovering Me” activity guide.
Get them thinking about their talents and personal qualities
useful for first Brownie Circle.
Have the girls’ interview each other using the “Discovering Me” star activity page. This will enable them to get to know one another better and incorporate
“Discovering Me”
activity page –
Brownie Quest Pg
Markers, stickers,
glitter glues etc.
Discovery Key - Session 1
Game (35 min)
All About My Values
Session 1—Going ELF: The Search to Discover the Values of the Girl Scout Law
Write each of the ten parts of the Girl Scout Law on a paper plate. Cut out squares of colored paper to represent different parts of the Law according to the chart below, and place them on the matching
Girl Scout Law Color
Honest and Fair Light blue
Friendly and Helpful Yellow
Considerate and Caring Light green
Courageous and Strong Red
Responsible for What I Say and Do Orange
Respect Myself and Others Dark purple
Respect Authority Dark pink
Use Resources Wisely Green
Make the World a Better Place Light pink
Be a Sister to Every Girl Scout Light purple
1. Re-read the Girl Scout Law.
2. Using the colored squares of paper, have girls choose the three or four parts of the law that they think are the most important. Ask them to attach the paper squares to their posters.
From: Girl Scouts River Valleys
Large paper
Coloring utensils
Construction paper
Paper plates (10)
Discovery Key - Session 1
Ball toss
How to play: As the girls toss around the ball, encourage them to introduce themselves and to describe their qualities and talents. If they get stuck, prompt them with like, “In school, I think it is important to…” “At home I take care of …. by….” “I really like to….” “I am really good at….” etc.
After everyone has had a turn, take some time to process the activity with the girls (program process: experiential learning). Ask some of the following questions.
What did you notice during this activity?
What did you learn?
Was there anything that surprised you?
What does this activity mean for you? For the troop?
What was the best part of it? What was the worst part of it?
Summarize the qualities and talents the girls bring to their Brownie Circle.
Optional: Record what the girls say on a large star you sketch onto poster board.
Discovery Key - Session 1
Activity (15 min) |
All About Me Poster
Brownie Quest: Discovery Key Step 2
Print out the ten parts of the Girl Scout Law on a paper plate. Cut out squares of colored paper to represent different parts of the Law according to the chart below, and place them on the matching
Girl Scout Law Color
Honest and Fair Light blue
Friendly and Helpful Yellow
Considerate and Caring Light green
Courageous and Strong Red
Responsible for What I Say and Do Orange
Respect Myself and Others Dark purple
Respect Authority Dark pink
Use Resources Wisely Green
Make the World a Better Place Light pink
Be a Sister to Every Girl Scout Light purple
1. Re-read the Girl Scout Law.
2. Using the colored squares of paper, have girls choose the three or four parts of the law that they think are the most important.
3. Have each girl create a poster of herself. Girls can use pictures, words or symbols to describe themselves and their special qualities and talents. Ask them to attach the paper squares to their posters.
4. As girls finish their posters, ask them to share their poster with at least one other girl.
Notes: Girls got really into this one and enjoyed telling about themselves. |
Paper plate with Girl Scout Law
Girl Scout Law picture.pdf
and construction paper stars
Paper with person outline
All About Me Poster.pdf
markers |
Discovery Key - Session 1 |
At Home
Family Star
Take home activity. The girls take home a star that they fill out with their family and then at the next meeting. They share the results
Dear Girl Scout Brownie Family,
We have begun working on our first journey (Brownie Quest).
Today we talked about some of the some of the talents and qualities that make each of us special.
One of the of the first step of the journey is to learn about the values of our family.
Read the important questions on the accompanying activity sheet “Making a Family Star” to assist your Girl Scout Brownie in writing and talking about a value of the Girl Scout Law that is important to your family. Try to give your Girl Scout Brownie an example of what it means to act on a value described in the Law (such as being honest or courageous). Feel free to get creative with your family star!
Thank you!
1. Leader should cut out both stars and cut on the dotted lines.
2. Connect the stars by putting the slit from “Star 2” into the slit on “Star 1”.
3. Punch a hole at the top of the star where indicated and put a string through the hole.
4. Lay the combined star flat.
5. In the center of the star write: Girl Scout Brownie Troop #------ is …., such as: Girl Scout Brownie Troop - is friendly and helpful. (Half of the writing will be on one star and half on the other star).
6. On the corners of the star, the leader writes each girl’s name and ways they live the Girl Scout Law. (Jada helps her little sister, Trisha smiles, etc.)
7. Place a small piece of tape down the middle of the star.
8. After you have written on the star, hold one of the stars with one hand and rotate the other star with the other hand creating a 3-D Star.
From: Girl Scout Brownie Troop 41234
Star printout
Version 1:
Family Star with detailed instructions.pdf
Version 2:
Family Star 3D.pdf
Coloring utensils
Optional: Other decorating supplies
Discovery Key - At Home and Session 2
Discussion |
Circle time to share family stars.
What line of the Law did their family embody?
With the Law written on a large poster, have the girls place their stars next to their family’s line.
Optional: poster with GS laws |
Quest 2 |
Discovery Key Ceremony |
Join hands and chant.
“The Discover Key, It’s all about me; What I believe, And my
Distribute Discover Keys.
Write chant on board or poster |
Quest 2 |
Game |
Pass the Ball
Girls try to pass the ball from one of the line to another without using their hands or letting the ball touch the ground.
• Girls sit on the floor in a line with their legs straight out.
• Place ball between ankles of first girl who passes it to the next girl without touching it.
• If the ball touches the ground, the team must begin again.
balls |
Quest 2 |
Loop the Loop
Four or more players try to move the hoop from player to player without letting go of each other’s hands.
To play:
Players stand in a circle, holding hands.
Hang a hula-hoop over one player.
While holding hands, players pass the hula-hoop completely around the circle without letting it touch the ground.
Variation: For a large group, use two hoops, starting side by side, but going in different directions. The game ends when the hoops meet.
Questions to ask after the games
How did you feel about that game?
What are some of the things you did to help each other pass the ball or hoop?
What was difficult about this game? What was easy?
What would you do differently next time?
Did you need to trust each other? Why? Was that hard or easy?
What makes being on a team together fun?
Sometimes teams have trouble. What would make us feel bad about being on a team?
Hula Hoop
Quest 2
Discussion |
Brownie Team Agreement
Write key words for the team on a poster board.
Draw a circle around the words and label “Brownie Team Agreement”.
posterboard |
Quest 2 |
Family Fun Jar
Read Campbell's story and discuss
Discuss pg. 54 of the girls’ book.
What can Campbell do to show her family she cares about them?
In groups, we are going to brainstorm some healthy-living activities that you can do with your family.
Split the girls into small groups and have each group brainstorm some healthy living ideas. Let the girls get started by flipping through some health-themed magazines if they need ideas. Instead of writing a list, they can draw a picture or use pictures from the magazine. (This idea is from Brownie Age Level Training.)
After they have had a chance to make a list, invite each group to share. Make a group list of these activities on butcher paper so that girls can use these ideas in their Family Fun Jar. After each group has shared their ideas, tell them,
Today we are going to make a FAMILY FUN JAR. The point of this jar is to fill it with fun healthy-living actions that you can do with your family. Make a decision as a family as to when you’ll use your Family Fun Jar.
Give each girl a jar and spread decorating materials around the group. Give them 10 minutes to decorate their jars. After they have made their jar, now they get to put ideas for healthy-living that their family could use in the jar. Each girl can use the “Family Fun Jar” worksheet to write ideas for healthy living. After they have written them down, they can then cut them out and put them in their “Family Fun Jar”.
Send home copies of
“Connect at Home” projects. Copies of letter for the Brownies to take home.
Jars covered in paper
Decorating materials
Slips of paper
pencils or family fun printout
Family Fun Jar.pdf
Quest 2
Craft (10 min) |
Variation of Family Fun Jar
At Home Healthy Activities
Brownie Quest: Connect Key Step 1 and 2 - Connect with as a Brownie team, with your family on a healthy living activity
Show the picture of Campbell and describe what you see.
Campbell sister is drinking a sugary drink and watching TV.
Campbell’s mom is looking tired and upset.
What are some things Campbell can do to help out her family? What healthy things can she help them do that will make them feel better?
Then ask them to think of some healthy things that they could do with their family. Make a group list of these activities on butcher paper so that girls can use these ideas in their Family Fun Bag. After each group has shared their ideas, tell them,
Today we are going to make a FAMILY FUN BAG. The point of this jar is to fill it with fun healthy-living actions that you can do with your family. Make a decision as a family as to when you’ll use your Family Fun Bag.
Have them write some of the ideas down on slips of paper and put them in their bags.
Some ideas if they have trouble getting started are:
Try a healthier drink like milk or water
Try a healthy snack (like the dips we made)
Try a new healthy recipe for breakfast, lunch, or dinner
Take a walk together
Have a dance party
Play tag (even works in the snow)
Go sledding - make sure it is in a safe place:)
- Go to a gym and workout together
Paper bags
slips of paper
Craft |
Make Your Own Story Book
make your own story book.pdf
Quest |
Craft (20 min)
Circle Art
Session 3-Circle Map: Creating circles of caring
Pre-trace;copyoutlines of four separate, different sized circles (small, medium, large, extra large) on sheets of paper.
1. Tell the girls to find the smallest circle on the pre-traced circle sheet and write the word "Me" in it
Next, have them draw a small picture of themselves in the circle and color in the background of the circle (any color they want).
2. Have the girls find the medium circle on the pre-traced circle sheet and ask them, "Who are the next most important people in your Iives?" They may say family, friends or pets. Have them write those people or groups in the second circle and draw pictures, if they fit, and color the background of the circle a different color than their first circle.
3. Have the girls find the large circle and ask the girl, "Who are other people or groups that you interact with of outside of the people in your first two circles?" They may say their Girl Scout troop, their class or school. Have them write the names and draw pictures of these people and color the background of the circle a third color.
4. Finally, have the girls locate the largest circle and ask them, "Who are other people that surround you besides the people you have already included in previous circles?" They may answer with the people in their town, their country or the world. Instruct girls to write the names and pictures of these people groups and color the background of the circle a fourth color.
5. Tell the girls to cut out all four circles and glue them onto their piece of construction paper in a progressive row from right to left (paper should be landscape/horizontal) starting with the largest
circle. Instruct the girls to glue on the largest circle first, then the next largest to the left of it, then the medium and the smallest last Tell the girls they may have to overlap their circles slightly to fit Now the girls have completed a circle map that illustrates how they are a part of a larger community!
From: Girl Scouts River Valleys
Read the story of the broken sidewalk as an example of caring about our community
Construction paper
Pre-traced circle sheets (one per girl)
Coloring utensils
Case of the broken sidewalk.pdf
Quest 3
Activity (15 min) |
Broken Sidewalk Story
Brownie Quest: Connect Key Step 3 - Connect with your community to increase healthy living opportunities
Read the story of the broken sidewalk
Brainstorm ideas of things that the girls would like to make better.
Choose one and write an letter to a local official or group about the issue.
Notes: I was really impressed with the ideas and the letter that they wrote. This worked really well.
Connect Key Step 3 |
Game (20 min)
Telephone Pictionary and Snack Chat
Session 3-Caring for the community
1. Divide the girls evenly into two groups and have each group sit down in a row (one girl directly behind the other), with both lines facing forward. Tell the girls that they are going to play a game called Telephone Pictionary where each team will work together to create the most accurate picture.
2. Draw a simple picture in your notebook
3. Hand a notebook to the girl in the front row
4. Hand your notebook with a picture to the first girl in the back row.
5. Tell the girl with your notebook to draw the picture on the back of the girl in front of her as best she can
6. This girl draws what she felt on the back of the girl in front of her and so on until the girl in the front of the line draws the picture on the paper
7. Now hold up the picture you drew and the final picture of each team
Lead a discussion about how this activity demonstrates how good or bad actions grow over time.
From: Girl Scouts River Valleys
Notepads (three)
Snack item(s)
Quest 3
Game |
Game – Mailong Sera
This game from Papua New Guinea reminds the girls that they are connected to the world.
Players: 12-20 Appeal: competition; skill
A player is chosen to be “It”. The other players stand or sit in a circle around “It”, very close to one another. “It” closes her eyes, and one of the players takes a shell in one of her hands.
All of the players close their hands into loose fists, fingers down, and move their fists together until they touch, then apart so that they touch their neighbors’ fists.
“It” opens her eyes and the players in the circle move their hands back and forth in a rhythmic pattern or to a song as they pass the seashell from hand to hand without “It” seeing who has the shell.
Players who do not have the shell pretend to be fumbling with it. When” It” thinks she knows who has the shell, she calls the name of that player. If she is right, that player must take her place. If not, the passing begins again.
To keep the game interesting, limit It to three guesses before it is someone else takes her place at the center of the circle.
outdoor game
Quest 3 |
In the closing circle do the connect chant and hand out patches.
Quest 3 |
Discussion (15 min)
Session 4-Planning for a Change Story
1. If you would like, read a story about making a difference to the Brownies. Write one of the following words on the top of each of the poster boards: home, school, community and world. Underneath the word, make two columns, one side for "issues" and the other for "changes."
2. Ask the girls to think about some things within their worlds they think might need a positive change and write their answers on the sheets of poster board.
3. Next, instruct the girls to write or draw a picture on the sheets of poster board of things they can do in each of the places indicated to make their world a better place. Below are a few basic ideas:
Home: clean up room, wash dishes, take out the dog, help make dinner, put toys away
School: help the teacher clean up, assist a classmate with homework, clean up the whiteboard, hand out worksheets
Community: pick up trash, help a neighbor
From: Girl Scouts River Valleys
Poster board (four)
Writing/coloring utensils
Optional: One-two books or other stories about making a difference (see the Resources section
above for details)
Horton Hears a Who
My Freedom Trip
Mr Rumphius
The Story of Johnny Appleseed
Quest 4
Girls work on their project |
Quest 5 and 6 |
Wrap Up
Let the girls go around and say what they learned about doing the project, what they learned about themselves, what they learned about each other as well as others outside their Brownie group
Quest 7 |
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